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Understanding Folder and File Permissions for WordPress Sites: A Guide to Enhanced Security

When it comes to managing a WordPress website, one of the most overlooked aspects of site security is folder and file permissions. While many site owners focus on securing plugins, themes, and core files, improper permissions can leave a website vulnerable to attacks. In this post, we’ll explore what folder and file permissions are, why they matter, and how to set them properly to ensure a secure WordPress site.

What Are Folder and File Permissions?

Folder and file permissions control who can read, write, and execute files on a server. These permissions dictate the level of access users and processes have to the different components of your WordPress site. For example, the WordPress core files, themes, plugins, and uploaded media are all stored in specific directories on your server, and each has associated permissions.

Permissions are typically represented by a set of three-digit numbers, such as 755 or 644, which control how files and directories behave. These numbers correspond to three user types:

  1. Owner: The user who owns the file.
  2. Group: Users who are part of the same group as the owner.
  3. Public: Everyone else, including website visitors and potential hackers.

Why Are File Permissions Important?

Having the correct file permissions is critical to maintaining a secure WordPress site for several reasons:

  1. Prevent Unauthorized Access: Incorrect permissions can allow unauthorized users or scripts to modify important files, such as the wp-config.php file or theme files, opening your site to vulnerabilities.
  2. Limit Damage from Hacks: If an attacker gains access to your site, restrictive permissions can help limit the scope of the damage they can do by preventing them from executing malicious files or uploading new ones.
  3. Protect Sensitive Information: Files such as wp-config.php contain sensitive data like database credentials. Proper permissions help prevent this information from being exposed to public users.
  4. Prevent Accidental Changes: Setting strict permissions can also protect files from being accidentally overwritten by administrators or scripts, which can lead to downtime or broken functionality.

Common Permission Settings for WordPress

Here are the recommended permissions for most WordPress installations:

  • Folders (Directories): 755 or 750
    • This setting ensures that the folder owner can read, write, and execute files, while the group can read and execute. The public, however, can only read files but not modify them.
  • Files: 644 or 640
    • This allows the file owner to read and write files, while the group can only read them. The public has no write access.
  • wp-config.php: 440 or 400
    • Since this file contains sensitive data, it should have stricter permissions than other files. This setting ensures only the owner can read (and not write or execute), and no other users have access.

How to Check and Update Permissions

You can check and update file permissions through several methods:

  1. Using an FTP Client: Most FTP clients like FileZilla allow you to view and change file permissions by right-clicking the file or folder and selecting “File permissions.”
  2. Using SSH: If you have SSH access to your WordPress server, you can change permissions using the chmod command. For example:bashCopy codechmod 755 /path/to/folder chmod 644 /path/to/file
  3. Through the Control Panel: Many web hosts offer a file manager in their control panel (e.g., cPanel) that lets you adjust permissions with just a few clicks.

The Security Risks of Incorrect Permissions

Improper file permissions can lead to several security risks, including:

  • Script Injection: If a hacker can write to your theme or plugin files, they can inject malicious scripts, such as malware or backdoors, allowing them to control your site remotely.
  • Data Breaches: Exposed permissions on files like wp-config.php can lead to database credentials being compromised, enabling attackers to access your database and steal or corrupt your data.
  • Site Defacement: Unauthorized users can modify files, changing your website’s appearance or content, leading to reputational damage.


Folder and file permissions play an essential role in securing your WordPress website. Setting the correct permissions ensures that only authorized users can access and modify sensitive files, helping protect your site from unauthorized access, malicious attacks, and accidental changes. By following best practices for permissions, you can reduce the risk of common security threats and keep your WordPress site running smoothly and securely.

Always make it a priority to regularly audit your site’s permissions, especially after installing new plugins, themes, or migrating your site to a new server. Small adjustments can make a significant difference in protecting your online presence.


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